Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Hello All!! I'm stuck in that Monday again mode... but it's actually TUESDAY! I had a vacation day yesterday in honor of my birthday on Sunday! Was a GREAT weekend! Sorry I didn't get to posting... but some of you know how it goes!

I wanted to share another great resource for all of you OUT there...

Check out www.pinkweb.com

A great site to check out for telephone numbers for anything gay or gay friendly in the surrounding New England area. If I get some time today I will create a direct link to it under the link section. It comes in VERY handy.

So the DONALD fired both those bitches last night on the Apprentice! What a surprise... NOT! What were they thinking with those puffy sleeves???!!! OMG! Kudos to the gents. Great design... those Brits have... Hmmm... did anyone think a little too GAY?? Sean seemed like he had done it all before! Drop us a comment on who you think the final Apprentice should be.

Don't forget the final episode for American Idol is Wednesday. Drop a comment on your pick for the top idol.

More info to come!

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